RudderStack Product News – Vol. #024: Attentive Tag | RudderStack

By neub9
2 Min Read

Attentive Tag

RudderStack now integrates with Attentive, a mobile messaging platform that facilitates communication between consumers and companies through personalized text messages. The Attentive Tag can be added to websites to take advantage of features such as capturing behavioral data, triggering events, tracking revenue, and more. We allow Attentive Tag as a destination to which teams can easily send their event data. Learn more.



Attribution is a marketing analytics platform offering single and multi-touch attribution, the ability to view true marketing ROI, understand the marketing funnel, and analyze customer paths. It also has a Data Export feature for exporting raw data related to campaigns and visitors for analysis by Data Science teams. Learn more in the docs.


WebEngage is a full-stack marketing automation tool that serves as a destination for seamlessly sending event data for efficient marketing and analytics. It is used for user engagement via push and in-app notifications, email campaigns, and more. Learn more in the docs.

How to Unbundle the CDP

With the recent push to unbundle the CDP, it’s important to address the underlying pain points without creating new ones. Get our CEO’s perspective and tactical advice on building an “unbundled” architecture in this two-part series on our blog.

Other Happenings at RudderStack

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