Qualys Introduces TotalCloud 2.0 with TruRisk Insights to Eliminate Cyber Risk in Cloud and SaaS Applications

By neub9
3 Min Read

Qualys, Inc., a provider of disruptive cloud-based IT, security, and compliance solutions, is set to launch TotalCloud 2.0. This new version will introduce a single prioritized view of cloud risk and extend its protection to SaaS applications.

“Managing security across multiple cloud and SaaS applications can lead to scattered risk scores that are challenging for organizations to prioritize, let alone remediate,” said Sumedh Thakar, president, and CEO of Qualys. “TotalCloud 2.0 silences the noise from disparate security tools, offering a clear, prioritized view of risk across multi-cloud, SaaS applications, and assets. This ensures swift resolution of critical issues, dramatically reducing the organization’s risk.”

TotalCloud 2.0 with TruRisk Insights provides a single, prioritized view of cloud risk. The solution correlates unique indicators from diverse Qualys sources, such as Cloud Workload Protection (CWP), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM), and Cloud Detection and Response (CDR). It combines these with SaaS and infrastructure posture to allow organizations to fix the most harmful threats quickly, according to the company.

Qualys TotalCloud 2.0’s enhancements streamline operations by providing:

  • TruRisk Insights: Singular, Prioritized View of Cloud Risk – TruRisk Insights streamlines the identification of the highest-risk assets. Additionally, TotalCloud 2.0 integrates data from External Attack Surface Management (EASM) solutions, giving users visibility into how external threats may perceive and target cloud assets.
  • Comprehensive Protection for SaaS Applications – Today’s threats extend beyond public cloud into organizations’ critical SaaS applications. Without adequate protection, these applications can serve as entry points for lateral movement into the cloud environment, according to the company. The recent SEC regulation mandates that all public companies are now obligated to disclose cyber incidents and meet cybersecurity readiness requirements for data stored in SaaS systems. TotalCloud incorporates SaaS security posture management (SSPM) ensuring that configurations and permissions in apps like Microsoft 365, Zoom, Slack, Google Workspace, etc. are seamlessly integrated into the overall security posture for enhanced decision making.
  • Supply Chain Risk Mitigation – TotalCloud effortlessly scans all open-source software pre-and-post deployment across various compute workloads, including containers, utilizing both agent and agentless techniques. This comprehensive approach significantly diminishes supply chain risk by identifying vulnerabilities across multi-cloud environments, according to the company.
  • Operationalized Risk Reduction – Streamlines operations and removes silos between IT and security with ITSM integrations. Automatically assign tickets and enable orchestration of remediation with ITSM tools such as ServiceNow and JIRA to significantly reduce risk and speed mean time to remediation.

For more information about this news, visit http://www.qualys.com.

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