Maps Mania: Warmer Stripes for 2023

By neub9
1 Min Read
visualization showing average global temperatures for every year since 1850 as colored stripes

Average Global Temperatures Since 1850

Ed Hawkins’ Warming Stripes visualization has been updated to include data for 2023. Last year marked the highest global temperature on record, with an average of 1.18°C (2.12°F) above the 20th-century average. This significant increase is reflected in the intense dark maroon stripe at the end of the warming stripes.

#ShowYourStripes utilizes historical climate data to illustrate average temperatures worldwide over the past 173 years. Each stripe represents a single year, with red indicating warmer than average temperatures and blue cooler than average. The stripes are arranged chronologically, revealing a clear warming trend over time, with recent decades predominantly showing red stripes, emphasizing the rapid pace of global warming.

#ShowYourStripes now features an interactive map that allows users to zoom in on specific areas to view warming stripes for individual cities. By clicking on a city, users can access detailed information about its warming stripes, download them as images, and further explore the data.

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