Reduce the Risk of Application Modernization

By neub9
4 Min Read

Many organizations rely on legacy database applications to power their business operations, but these systems can hinder them from embracing digital transformation. The process of application modernization can be complex, costly, and risky, often involving the replacement of thousands of lines of custom-developed business logic. Actian’s OpenROAD offers a solution for rapid database application development, making it easier to modernize applications with low risk and retain your investment in existing business logic. This blog will cover all the details of how this is possible.

Understanding Application Business Logic

Before diving into OpenROAD, it’s important to understand what application business logic is. It encompasses the rules, processes, and workflows that define how an application operates and handles data and user interactions to deliver specific business functionality. It governs data processing, validation, calculations, workflows, error handling, and external system integration, as well as security controls to protect and maintain data integrity.

OpenROAD and Preservation of Business Logic

Actian designed OpenROAD with the understanding that applications need to adapt and evolve over time. The key features and design principles of OpenROAD focus on preserving business logic for application modernization projects as discussed below:

Model-Driven Development

OpenROAD allows developers to define the business logic of their applications using high-level models, abstracting away technical complexities and focusing on capturing essential business rules and processes.

Data Independence

OpenROAD provides a data abstraction layer that separates the application’s business logic from the underlying database schema, facilitating easier maintenance and future changes.

Component-Based Architecture

OpenROAD applications are built using a component-based architecture that promotes code reuse, simplifies maintenance, and ensures consistency across the application.

Business Logic Encapsulation

Encapsulation separates the implementation details of the business logic from other parts of the application, promoting modularity, maintainability, and reusability.

Integration Capabilities

OpenROAD allows developers to incorporate existing business logic and functionality from other systems or applications, enabling organizations to leverage their existing investments while modernizing their applications.

Version Control and Change Management

OpenROAD includes features for version control and change management, preserving the integrity of the business rules and ensuring proper documentation and auditability of modifications.

Modernize Your OpenROAD Applications

Legacy database applications may not meet the needs of digital business today, but OpenROAD offers a solution to reduce the work involved in application modernization. Its flexible and scalable development platform supports a model-driven development approach, data independence, a component-based architecture, encapsulation, integration capabilities, and version control, helping organizations maintain and evolve their business logic effectively while modernizing their applications.

About Teresa Wingfield

Teresa Wingfield is Director of Product Marketing at Actian, responsible for communicating the unique value of the Actian Data Platform. She brings a 20-year track record of increasing revenue and awareness for analytics, security, and cloud solutions at industry-leading companies such as Cisco, McAfee, and VMware.

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