ngrok’s API Solution Centers Developer Control, Ease of Use, and Price Scaling

By neub9
2 Min Read

ngrok, the secure unified ingress platform for developers, is introducing its next-generation API gateway solution, which takes a developer-centric approach to API delivery. The new API gateway-as-a-service from ngrok offers advanced capabilities such as JWT authentication and authorization, global rate limiting, and an agile traffic policy engine. This solution is now available in early access.

The latest API innovation from ngrok addresses a myriad of challenges that burden developers and operations teams. Modern software development practices have placed more responsibility on developers and their APIs, but delays between developers and operations teams can lead to lost revenue, broken contracts, and misconfigured API gateways. Even traditional API gateways come with high fixed costs and operational burdens.

With API gateway-as-a-service, ngrok puts API delivery directly in the developer’s control by integrating ingress directly into applications for faster delivery and reduced risk. This enables developers to establish secure API connectivity with a single command or line of code, reduce dependence on operations teams for production deployment, ensure that API requests carry all required parameters, and mitigate downtime and unauthorized access due to misconfigured gateways.

In addition, ngrok’s API gateway-as-a-service combines the powers of both deployable and cloud-based gateways, offering environment independence and a pay-as-you-go pricing model. This solution eradicates operational complexity, delivers a powerful traffic policy engine, offers multi-cloud support, and enables pay-as-you-go scalability.

Alan Shreve, founder and CEO of ngrok, stated, “ngrok’s API gateway-as-a-service represents a major milestone that effectively bridges the gap between deployable and cloud-based solutions. ngrok offers the best of both worlds—the robust set of advanced capabilities and environment independence of deployable gateways, combined with the simplicity and scalability of cloud-based solutions. In addition, ngrok’s API gateway-as-a-service frees developers from operational hurdles, accelerating release velocity and innovation.”

To learn more about API gateway-as-a-service, please visit

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