Move to the Cloud, AI and Machine Learning, DevOps, and Data Governance: Four Trends that Defined 2023

By neub9
4 Min Read

2023 was a year of significant innovation and change for the enterprise technology landscape. Businesses of all sizes accelerated their digital transformation efforts and incorporated artificial intelligence and machine learning-powered solutions, including observability tools, to adapt to complex network environments.

To stay competitive during this transformative time, companies migrated their workflows and applications to the cloud, increasingly implemented AI-powered solutions, embraced a DevOps framework for the database, and prioritized strong data governance.

As we approach the end of the year, let’s look back at four major trends that shaped the IT industry in 2023.

The Ongoing Journey of Cloud Migration

The continuous journey of cloud migration has been a key focus in modern computing. As businesses strive to adapt to today’s rapidly changing digital world, the shift to the cloud has become essential for achieving efficiency, flexibility, and scalability.

However, cloud migration is a complex process, with one in three migrations ending in failure and only 25% meeting their deadlines. It requires a deep understanding of the database and a purposeful approach to what and how to move to the cloud.

In 2023, the industry turned to observability to ensure that the cloud journey aligns with business goals and delivers results in support of objectives.

Increasing Implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have revolutionized data management and analysis, helping IT professionals optimize performance and prevent system outages. AI plays a critical role in managing high volumes of data, especially with the increasing amount of data being created.

The integration of artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps) has emerged as a powerful solution to improve the performance of applications and services, allowing employees to work more efficiently.

Implementing the DevOps Framework in the Database

Bringing the DevOps framework into the database has the potential to streamline database development and administration, improving data and application efficiency while avoiding downtime and system crashes.

Database DevOps provides organizations with streamlined deployment, improved flexibility, reduced risk and downtime, and much more, enabling them to meet the demands of database performance management and drive modernization efforts.

Effective Data Governance for Successful Data Management

2023 emphasized the importance of effective data governance for organizations to maximize the value of their data and stay competitive. Data analytics and advanced cloud databases, coupled with enterprise-wide policies, are essential for managing data and ensuring data quality, security, and compliance.

A Look Ahead to the New Year

In 2024, digital transformation efforts are expected to continue to evolve at unprecedented rates, with the integration of AI playing a significant role. Businesses are likely to combine both DevOps and DataOps practices for seamless database development and administration, with greater specialization within data teams to effectively manage and clean data.

The IT industry is on the cusp of remarkable advancements and revolution, with the integration of AI elevating the significance of harnessing the power of data and making the shift to the cloud even more critical for achieving efficiency, flexibility, and scalability.

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