Don’t Just Pay ‘Ear’ Service; How Great Managers Listen

By neub9
2 Min Read

We all crave validation and acknowledgment in both our professional and personal lives. Great listeners tend to have more satisfied employees. In this article, business leader Shiela Mie Legaspi explores what it takes to be a great listener and offers tips on how managers can improve their listening skills.

Despite the common belief that increasing pay is the best way to boost job satisfaction, studies show that employees’ satisfaction is actually higher when their supervisors actively listen to them rather than when they receive a raise.

Training managers in effective listening skills and prioritizing time spent listening to their team members can lead to improved leadership effectiveness, enhanced employee job performance and well-being, and increased workplace trust. On the other hand, when managers fail to listen effectively, it can lead to employee alienation, disgruntlement, lower productivity, and higher turnover. However, employees who feel well-supported by their manager are more likely to describe themselves as feeling engaged with their work.

Benefits of Active Listening

As a manager, understanding what motivates your team members is essential, and this can only be achieved through active listening. It allows you to develop strategies that encourage and activate each individual to perform at their best.

Good listening can help create a culture of open communication, collaboration, and engagement, leading to higher productivity. Moreover, during challenging times, such as layoffs, active listening can reassure employees and reduce feelings of job insecurity, ultimately impacting performance positively.

Not All Listening is Effective

It’s important to note that while listening is crucial, it must be followed by action. Merely listening without taking constructive action can lead to disengagement and reduced future participation from employees.

True active listening requires being fully present, suspending judgment, asking questions, and refraining from immediate reactions. It’s a skill that demands continuous practice and incorporation into daily routines. Despite its demands, studies show that practicing active listening can benefit employees’ productivity and also enhance personal well-being and leadership skills.

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